Thursday, October 24, 2019

Edge Computing for Smart Cities Driven in Part by Urbanization

Urbanization is a demographic trend many believe will drive use cases for edge computing, which is expected to be used to support many smart city applications. And the potential benefit from smart city applications is expected by many to increase because problems created by urbanization are going to increase. 

Today, approximately 55 percent of the world’s population lives in cities, reaching 68 percent by 2050, according to the United Nations.

Altogether, that will represent 2.5 billion more residents living in the world’s big cities, the UN predicts, with perhaps obvious implications for infrastructure, traffic congestion, energy consumption, supply of water, sanitation and other services. 

In 2010, new economies represented half of the world’s gross domestic product. By 2015 new economies will represent 65 percent of global GDP. 

Each week nearly 1.5 million people move to cities, almost all of them in new economies. We are seeing a huge shift with the emergence of new economies. It is said that 90% of the world’s urban population growth will take place in developing countries, with India taking a significant share of that. 

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