Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Data Center Professionals See High-Bandiwidth Apps Drving 42% of Edge Computing

Even if the specific value of edge computing is support of applications requiring ultra-low latency, 42 percent of respondents believe edge computing will be useful to support high-bandwidth apps, a survey of 800 professionals involved with data centers, finds.

Use cases where the amount of data or transport cost makes it impractical to transfer over the network directly to remote cloud computing facilities, or from the cloud to the point-of-use, include smart factories, smart cities, high-definition content delivery and virtual reality, Vertiv suggests. 

Participants believe 5G will have greatests value enabling smart cities, smart security, smart transportation, connected vehicles and autonomous vehicles. 

Of participants who have edge sites today or expect to have edge sites in 2025, more than half (53 percent) expect the number of edge sites they support to grow by at least 100 percent with 20 percent expecting a 400 percent or more increase, says Vertiv. 

For the 494 qualified respondents to this question, the total number of edge sites supported is expected to grow from 128,233 today to 418,803 in 2025, a 226 percent increase.

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