Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Nvidia Announces AI Platform for Edge Computing

Nvidia has announced Nvidia EGX a computing platform for low-latency artificial intelligence at the edge. EGX starts with the tiny Nvidia Jetson Nano™, which in a few watts can provide one-half trillion operations per second (TOPS) of processing for tasks such as image recognition.
EGX combines the full range of Nvidia AI computing technologies with Red Hat OpenShift and Nvidia Edge Stack together with Mellanox and Cisco security, networking and storage technologies.

That allows telecom, manufacturing, retail, healthcare and transportation enterprises to quickly stand up state-of-the-art, secure, enterprise-grade AI infrastructures, Nvidia says.

The solution uses Nvidia T4 servers, delivering more than 10,000 TOPS for real-time speech recognition and other real-time AI tasks, the company says.

The solution also uses Red Hat to integrate and optimize Nvidia Edge Stack with OpenShift, the leading enterprise-grade Kubernetes container orchestration platform.

Nvidia Edge Stack is optimized software that includes Nvidia drivers, a CUDA Kubernetes plugin, a CUDA container runtime, CUDA-X libraries and containerized AI frameworks and applications, including TensorRT, TensorRT Inference Server and DeepStream.

Nvidia Edge Stack is optimized for certified servers and downloadable from the Nvidia NGC registry.

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