Friday, January 21, 2022

Edge Role Bound to Grow

To the extent that application performance is a significant problem for supporting remote workers, and to the extent many enterprise managers expect high levels of remote work in the future, the demand for edge computing to address latency and improve end user performance seems rather self evident.

With the caveat that the situation remains volatile, a new survey by Aryaka finds enterprise managers reporting they have closed 25 percent to 50 percent of their sites.

A quarter of respondents expect 51 percent to 75 percent of their employees to remain hybrid post-pandemic, and another 43 percent expected remote work to be the pattern for 25 percent to half of employees.

Should this continue, we should expect to see other changes, especially changes in real estate spending and probably on-site data centers as well, given the secular move to “everything as a service.” About half of respondents said they would be closing in-house data centers as part of wider shifts. 

XaaS highlights the importance of remote application delivery using the internet, which in turn heightens the importance of access and security as though everyone were using internet access and delivery. The “zero trust” shift provides an example of the change. 

source: Aryaka 

Much of the rise in management complexity also can be explained by the shift to XaaS and high percentages of remote workers to support. Cost and complexity are issues, to be sure. But application performance is a big issue.

source: Aryaka 

And edge computing is among the primary tools for ensuring application performance.

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