Sunday, May 3, 2020

How Big is the Multiaccess Edge Computing Market, and Who Benefits?

In an era where applications can be provided to customers and end users over any internet protocol network, and since the global telecom industry has adopted IP as the standard for its public and private networks, markets have become more complicated.

Virtually all content, connectivity and commerce markets now feature business models based on sales of infrastructure, on-demand services, connectivity, real estate or transactions spanning many roles in value chains. 

So it now is harder to tell precisely what is meant when anybody talks about the size of a market. Consider communications provider multi-access edge computing

That market is projected by Grandview Research to reach U.S. $15.4 billion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 38.6 percent, albeit from a small base.

What is tricky are the actual segments. Grandview notes the role of OTT media streaming services and personalized content, which will “drive the market growth.” 

That might otherwise be called the content delivery network business, which already exists, with the same range of potential roles MEC envisions. 

It is not clear to some of us that this is a useful definition, or even a new market. Of course, MEC is said to support many other use cases, such as various internet of things applications, which Grandview notes. 

It is possible that most of that projected IoT revenue grows for suppliers of cloud infrastructure and “edge computing as a service.”

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