Monday, October 14, 2019

Service Provider Role in Edge Computing

Device proliferation, ultimately representing perhaps scores of billions of new devices,  is one reason many believe edge computing will be an essential complement to remote hyperscale cloud data centers. 

Irrespective of latency requirements, which will be quite stringent for some apps such as augmented reality or virtual reality, the sheer amount of wide area network throughput required to support all those device sessions--and the hairpinning--might propel a search for more local processing.                           

In this illustration, today’s reliance on remote hyperscale data centers is shown far left. Some amount of on-premises edge processing is shown in the progression. In further potential stages of development, edge processing might be provided by connectivity providers as a utility (service) sold to third parties. 

The network edge is where connectivity providers might create a distinctive role, as compared to on-device or on-premises forms of edge computing. 

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