Friday, October 18, 2019

If You Thought BYOD was a Problem, Here Comes IoT

To the extent that employees bringing their own devices and apps into the enterprise environment have created security and other challenges for information technology teams, the coming explosion of internet of things devices will compound such challenges. 

Likewise, to the extent that exposing enterprise devices and apps to the internet creates security challenges, IoT devices might create exponentially greater risks, in part because there are so many additional devices and in part because so many will be lower-cost devices hard to secure in economical ways. 

Some 88 percent of U.S. and U.K.  information technology decision makers surveyed on behalf of Kollective believing IoT devices will make their workplaces more efficient. But with so many new internet of things devices possibly deployed, 55 percent of respondents also consider security risks to be the number one roadblock for IoT adoption in the enterprise. 

Over half (52 percent) of IT leaders surveyed on behalf of Kollective believe internet of things devices operating at the edge of their networks will be a key issue. Over a third (38 percent) see deployment challenges.

Additionally, 72 percent of respondents see IoT as a security risk to their company.  Also, based on current experience updating devices, 29 percent of respondents expect difficulty controlling and updating IoT devices at scale. 

The volume of data generated at the edge also will be an issue for their firms, the respondents say. 

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