Sunday, June 16, 2019

Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Ambient Computing in the Next Era

Most believe internet of things will characterize the next era, on our way to what might be called  ambient or ubiquitous or pervasive computing. We will know we have gotten there when we no longer talk about IoT.

Most now believe edge computing of all types will be a foundation of the architecture.

The idea is that computing will be embedded “into everyday objects to make them effectively communicate and perform useful tasks in a way that minimizes the end user's need to interact with computers as computers.”

Pervasive computing devices are network-connected and constantly available. The key idea is that, as with electricity, the technology recedes into the background and is relatively invisible. Also, as with electricity, what matters is what one does with electricity, not the electricity itself.

A number of computing trends over the eras are clear: computers get smaller, cheaper and ever more ubiquitous.

Mainframes were room-size. Minicomputers were the size of a couch, and the first personal computers were not much smaller. But desktops followed. Now we use smartphones and wearables. And ever-smaller form factors are coming.

It is also possible to characterize eras by key purpose. Where the first generation of computing was about calculation, the latest is about the internet. The era of pervasive, ubiquitous or ambient computing is coming, and IoT is among the best manifestations of the trend.

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