Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Cloud Kings Move to the Enterprise Edge

Today’s cloud kings already are moving to support enterprise edge computing running on the same tools enterprises would use when buying public cloud computing services. And that is intended to make today’s cloud kings big players in hybrid cloud or multi-cloud computing.

Those moves might also mean the cloud kings could emerge as major players in enterprise edge (on the premises) forms of edge computing.

“Latency—the time it takes for data to reach a hyperscale data center and for answers to return—is too much in industries such as retail, factory manufacturing, and financial services,” said IDC Chief Analyst Frank Gens

As a result, he said, the last 12 months have seen an explosion of edge and on-premise offerings by the cloud kings such as Azure Stack , AWS Outposts and Greengrass (the AWS IoT edge solution) , IBM Cloud Private, and Google Cloud IoT Edge.

“AWS Outposts bring native AWS services, infrastructure, and operating models to virtually any data center, co-location space, or on-premises facility,” AWS says. “AWS IoT Greengrass seamlessly extends AWS to edge devices so they can act locally on the data they generate, while still using the cloud for management, analytics, and durable storage.”

Google Cloud IoT is a complete set of tools to connect, process, store, and analyze data both at the edge and in the cloud. The platform consists of scalable, fully-managed cloud services; an integrated software stack for edge/on-premises computing with machine learning capabilities for all your IoT needs.

"These are becoming the stacks that matter," he said, noting that IDC predicts that by 2023, 30 percent of all the IT systems in enterprise data centers and edge locations will be running public cloud-sources services.

In other words, the enterprise edge (on-premises computing) will largely be fueled by the same firms that dominate today’s cloud computing business.

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